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  • The power of this assessments is in what it can achieve for the person being assess by using the identified action plan that is created.
  • Backed up with a research paper which studied this system for ten years. The paper concludes that this marginal gains approach can have a significant psychological impact on those that use it.
  • The assessment consists of 170 key questions which require a yes or no answer.
  • The questions are set to a positive answer so it only need altering if an issue is identified.
  • This system includes a section for assessing how the subject uses values in their lives.
  • It gathers data that is collected and shown to demonstrate progress over time at each review point. Complete the assessment, work on the areas identified and complete again after an agreed time period. Termly, six monthly, end of school year.
  • It identifies progress, regression or areas of concern.
  • For practitioners it provides an up to date checklist of the priorities, barriers to learning and regulatory requirements.
  • Suitable for any child at any age or stage in any setting.
  • This system is ideal to assist in transitional stages and forward on to the next practitioners involved. It provides them with the key information they need to know and a consistent approach moving forward.
  • For children who are not academic achievers it may be used to demonstrate their soft skills and subsequent employability.